Schools' Needs
Number of needs: 5
Number of Schools in Need: 5
School Specific contribution Quantity Estimated Amount No of beneficiary students No of beneficiary personnel Status of implementation
Samboang-Ngilay High School Footwear 300.00 15,000.00 300.0 17.0 looking for partners
Aspang Elementary School Footwear 112.00 20,000.00 112.0 8.0 looking for partners
Pao-Pao High School Footwear 500.00 1,000,000.00 500.0 14.0 looking for partners
NICOLAS DANIE-ALIGADO IP INTEGRATED SCHOOL (NDAIS) - BAWING ES/NHS EXTENSION Footwear 145.00 50,000.00 145.0 7.0 looking for partners
DANGAN PRIMARY SCHOOL Footwear 135.00 5,000.00 135.0 0.0 looking for partners