Schools' Needs
Number of needs: 6
Number of Schools in Need: 3
School Specific contribution Quantity Estimated Amount No of beneficiary students No of beneficiary personnel Status of implementation
General Santos City SPED Integrated School Flashlight 60.00 6,840.00 7,000.0 300.0 90% complete
General Santos City SPED Integrated School Flashlight 100.00 11,400.00 7,000.0 300.0 90% complete
Florence M. Santos High School Flashlight 3.00 1,000.00 100.0 6.0 looking for partners
General Santos City SPED Integrated School Flashlight 500.00 49,500.00 7,000.0 300.0 looking for partners
UPPER TAMBLER CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Flashlight 200.00 100,000.00 2,880.0 88.0 looking for partners
Pao-Pao High School Flashlight 10.00 15,000.00 500.0 14.0 90% complete